Object Detection (YOLOv8)#


  • On-device AI Object Detection App with ZETIC.MLange (YOLOv8)

Github repository#

  • We provide YOLOv8 demo application source code for both Android and iOS applications for the YOLOv8 demo. repository

What is YOLOv8#

  • The YOLOv8 is the latest version of the acclaimed real-time object detection and image segmentation model.

  • YOLOv8 document page by Ultralytics: link

  • Currently, we only support detector mode. We’ll support other features for the YOLOv8 model later.

Step-by-step implementation#

0. Prerequisites#

  • We prepared the model key for the model for you. You can skip to step 2 if you want.

Prepare the YOLOv8 model and input sample#

  • Export YOLOv8 model

    • You will get yolov8n.onnx model after the following script

    from ultralytics import YOLO
    import torch
    # Load a YOLOv8 model
    model = YOLO("yolov8n.pt")
    # Export the model
    model.export(format="onnx", opset=12, simplify=True, dynamic=False, imgsz=640)
  • Prepare input sample as NumPy array

    • You can use the default sample input that we prepared: link

    • Default input size for yolov8n model

    • Or prepare input from your image file with the below function preprocess_image(...)

    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    def preprocess_image(image_path, target_size=(640, 640)):
        img = cv2.imread(image_path)
        img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        img = cv2.resize(img, target_size)
        img = img.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
        img = np.transpose(img, (2, 0, 1))
        img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
        return img

1. Generate ZETIC.MLange model key#

  • Get your own MLange model key from the model

    • If you want to get your own model key, please get your own model key as below.

        # (1) Get mlange_gen
        $ wget https://github.com/zetic-ai/ZETIC_MLange_document/raw/main/bin/mlange_gen && chmod 755 mlange_gen
        # (2) Run mlange_gen 
        $ ./mlange_gen -m yolov8n.onnx -i yolo8_detector_input.npy
        # Expected output
        # ...
        # MLange Model Key : {YOUR_YOLOV8_MODEL_KEY}
        # ...

2. Implement ZeticMLangeModel with your model key#

  • We prepared a model key for the demo app: yolo-v8n-test. You can use the model key to try the Zetic.MLange Application.

  • Anroid app

    • For the detailed application setup, please follow deploy to Android Studio page

    • ZETIC.MLange usage in Java

      • Demo app is written in Java, but you can use Kotlin as well.

      ZeticMLangeModel zeticMLangeYoloVModel = new ZeticMLangeModel(this, "YOUR_YOLOV8_MODEL_KEY");
      ByteBuffer[] outputs = zeticMLangeYoloVModel.getOutputBuffers();
  • iOS app

    • For the detailed application setup, please follow deploy to XCode page

    • ZETIC.MLange usage in Swift

      let yoloModel = ZeticMLangeModel(mlange_model_key)
      let outputs = yoloModel.getOutputDataArray()

3. Prepare YOLOv8 image feature extractor for Android and iOS#

  • We provide a YOLOv8 feature extractor as an Android and iOS module.

    • (The YOLOv8 feature extractor extension will be exposed as an open-source repository soon.)

    • You can use your own feature extractor if you have one for YOLOv8 usage

  • For Android

    // (0) Initialize ZeticMLangeFeatureYolov8 with `coco.yaml` for the model
    ZeticMLangeFeatureYolov8 zeticMLangeFeatureYolov8 = new ZeticMLangeFeatureYolov8(cocoYamlFilePath);
    // (1) Preprocess bitmap and get processed float array
    float[] floatInput = zeticMLangeFeatureYolov8.preprocess(bitmap);
    // (2) Postprocess to bitmap
    Bitmap resultBitmap = zeticMLangeFeatureYolov8.postprocess(outputFloatArray);
  • For iOS

    import ZeticMLange
    // (0) Initialize ZeticMLangeFeatureYolov8
    let yoloFeature = ZeticMLangeFeatureYolov8(cocoYamlFileUrl)
    // (1) Preprocess UIImage and get processed float array
    let yoloProcessedData = self.yoloFeature.preprocess(image)
    // (2) Postprocess to UIImage
    let yoloResultImage = self.yoloFeature.postprocess(image, &outputs[0])

Total YOLOv8 Process implementation#

  • For Android

    • Java

      // (0) Initialization
      ZeticMLangeFeatureYolov8 zeticMLangeFeatureYolov8 = new ZeticMLangeFeatureYolov8(cocoYamlFilePath);
      zeticMLangeYoloVModel = new ZeticMLangeModel(this, "YOUR_YOLOV8_MODEL_KEY");
      // (1) Preprocess image
      float[] floatInput = zeticMLangeFeatureYolov8.preprocess(bitmap);
      // (2) Process YOLOv8 Model
      ByteBuffer[] outputs = zeticMLangeYoloVModel.getOutputBuffers();
      // (3) Postprocess to bitmap
      Bitmap resultBitmap = zeticMLangeFeatureYolov8.postprocess(outputFloatArray);        
  • For iOS

    • iOS

      // (0) Initialization
      private let yoloModel: ZeticMLangeModel
      private let yoloFeature = ZeticMLangeFeatureYolov8(cocoYamlFileUrl)
      // (1) Preprocess image
      let yoloProcessedData = self.yoloFeature.preprocess(image)
      // (2) Process YOLOv8 Model
      let outputs = self.yoloModel.getOutputDataArray()
      // (3) Postprocess the output
      let yoloResultImage = self.yoloFeature.postprocess(image, &outputs[0])


With ZETIC.MLange, You can easily build your own on-device AI application with NPU utilizations. We are going to keep uploading the models to our examples and huggingface page. Please keep noticed and contact us for the collaborations!