Deploy to XCode#

We provide Swift Native Interface.

Deploy your own On-device AI iOS application easily. There are only three steps are needed.

  1. Embed ZeticMLange.framework to your iOS application project

  2. Update project settings to use ZeticMLange.framework

  3. Initiailize ZeticMLangeModel with your Model Key and run


  1. Model file

  2. ZeticMLange.framework Library

1. Download and embed place ZeticMLange.framework to your project#

  • e.g. iOS application project structure

    └── MyiOSApplication
    └── ZeticMLange.framework

2. Update project settings to use ZeticMLange.framework to your project#

  1. Embed ZeticMLange.framework to your application project alt text

  2. Set runpath Search Paths to @executable_path/Frameworks alt text

3. Initialize and run ZeticMLangeModel model with your Model Key#

  • Zetic MLange model running (Swift)

    // 1. Zetic MLange model running
    // (1) Load Zetic MLange model
    let model = try ZeticMLangeModel("MLANGE_MODEL_KEY")
    // (2) Run model after preparing model inputs
    let inputs: [Data] = [] // Prepare your inputs
    // (3) Get output data array
    let outputs = model.getOutputDataArray()

MLange iOS Sample App#

(+) Additional API for MLange-iOS usage#

  • (This will be updated very soon!)

    • As a default we set the model to use FP16 data type over NPU

    • We set 1 more option for user to choose runtime mode for Better output accuracy.