Deploy to Android Studio#

MLange supports both for Kotlin and Java implementations.

Deploy your own On-device AI Android application easily. There are only three steps are needed.

  1. Download zeticMLange.aar and place it in your application library directory

  2. Add module dependency in your library

  3. Initiailize ZeticMLangeModel with your Model Key and run


  1. Model Key

  2. Aar Library

1. Download and place zeticMLange.aar to your project#

  • Leave zeticMLange.aar under app/libs/zeticlibs

    • e.g. Android project structure

      └── libs
          └── zeticlibs
              └── zeticMLange.aar

2. Add zeticMLange.aar dependency to your app#

  • Update gradle to use zeticMLange.aar

  • You can choose Groovy build or Kotlin DSL build

    • build.gradle (Groovy)

    android {
        packagingOptions {
            jniLibs {
                useLegacyPackaging true
    dependencies {
        implementation files('libs/zeticlibs/zeticMLange.aar')
    • build.gradle.kts (Kotlin DSL)

    android {
        packaging {
            jniLibs {
                useLegacyPackaging = true
    dependencies {

3. Initialize and run ZeticMLangeModel model with your Model Key#

  • MLange supports both Kotlin and Java implementation

    1. Zetic MLange model running (Java)

    // 1. Zetic MLange model running
    // (1) Load Zetic MLange model
    ZeticMLangeModel model = new ZeticMLangeModel(this, "MLANGE_MODEL_KEY");
    // (2) Run model after preparing model inputs
    ByteBuffer[] inputs = // Prepare your inputs;;
    // (3) Get output buffers of the model
    ByteBuffer[] outputs = model.getOutputBuffers();
    1. Zetic MLange model running (Kotlin)

    // 1. Zetic MLange Model Running
    // (1) Load Zetic MLange model
    val model = ZeticMLangeModel(this, "MLANGE_MODEL_KEY")
    // (2) Run model after preparing model inputs
    val inputs: Array<ByteBuffer> = // Prepare your inputs
    // (3) Get output buffers of the model
    val outputs = model.outputBuffers

MLange Android Sample App#

(+) Additional API for MLange-Android usage#

  • As a default we set the model to use FP16 data type over NPU.

  • We set 2 more options for user to choose runtime mode for (1) Better output accuracy and (2) High-speed inference.

  • You cas set model option while you laod the model like sample code below.

        // (1) Output Accuracy mode - `FP32 - (CPU, GPU)` mode
        val model = ZeticMLangeModel(this, "MLANGE_MODEL_KEY", ZeticMLangeModel.ZETIC_MLANGE_RUN_MODE_FP32)
        // (2) High-speed inference mode - `Quantized - (NPU)` mode
        val model = ZeticMLangeModel(this, "MLANGE_MODEL_KEY", ZeticMLangeModel.ZETIC_MLANGE_RUN_MODE_QUANTIZED)
        // (1) Output Accuracy mode - `FP32 - (CPU, GPU)` mode
        ZeticMLangeModel model = new ZeticMLangeModel(this, "MLANGE_MODEL_KEY", ZeticMLangeModel.ZETIC_MLANGE_RUN_MODE_FP32);
        // (2) High-speed inference mode - `Quantized - (NPU)` mode
        ZeticMLangeModel model = new ZeticMLangeModel(this, "MLANGE_MODEL_KEY", ZeticMLangeModel.ZETIC_MLANGE_RUN_MODE_QUANTIZED);